A look at the schools that are overlooked by the ESPNs of the world.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Thanks to loyal readers

Thanks to your loyal reading of my blog, I have begun to get respectable reader numbers for the last 100 days. Hopefully this number increases as the season gets closer and closer.
I would like to turn this from a blog into a website but that takes money and I currently do not make a single dime from the blog. I do this completely for my own enjoyment but maybe I could make money that I could put back into the blog and as stated before, turn it into a website with writers on conferences and everything.

Also, if you would like to comment on articles, you do not have to register or anything. You just click to comment and scroll down to name/url or anonymous and pic one of the two and comment away. Of course I will delete any comments that are nasty or take personal attacks at specific people. Thanks again for your continued support of the blog.  Follow me on twitter @cfoutpost and together we can give the little guys of college football the support and coverage they deserve.

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