Quarterback: (6)- 15 Vick, Derrius: 6-1/196, RS SR: 8 games played, 6 starts. 82 carries, 390 yards, 1 TD. 94-160 passing, 1,156 passing, 8 TD.
- 03 Sprague, JD: 6-1/200, RS JR: 10 games played, 5 starts. 65 carries, 264 yards, 3 TD. 98-202 passing, 1236 yards, 3 TD.
- 14 Windham, Greg: 6-1/214, RS JR: 6 games played. 6 carries, 20 yards. 10-13 passing, 82 yards.
- 10 Duckworth, Joey: 6-3/215, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 16 Krizancic, Conner: 6-2/200, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- ?? Quinton Maxwell: 6-3/214: Incoming Freshman.
Running Back: (6)
- 45 Ouellette, A.J.: 5-10/195, SO: 10 games played, 6 starts. 160 carries, 785 yards, 7 TD. 23 catches, 133 yards, 3 TD.
- 07 Patterson, Daz'mond: 5-7/177, SR: 12 games played, 5 starts. 86 carries, 348 yards, 1 TD. 12 catches, 116 yards. 15 pr, 9.1 avg. 24 kr, 21.9 avg. 2nd team All-MAC return specialist.
- 28 Brown, Dorian: 5-11/196, RS SO: 10 games played. 22 carries, 53 yards, 2 TD. 2 catches, 9 yards. 1 kr, 10 yards.
- 04 White, Papi: 5-9/166, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014. 1 game played. 6 carries, 23 yards. 1 catch, 7 yards. 1 tkl.
- 21 Irons, Maleek: 6-0/211, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014. 4 games played. 1 tkl.
- 22 Hardy, Bo: 5-10/195, RS JR: No stats in 2014.
Wide Receiver: (21)
- 06 Smith, Sebastian: 6-3/183, JR: 12 games played, 6 starts. 31 catches, 385 yards, 2 TD.
- 12 Reid, Jordan: 6-3/198, RS JR: 12 games played, 1 start. 24 catches, 326 yards, 1 TD.
- 85 Cope, Brendan: 6-2/189, RS SO: 8 games played, 6 starts. 1 carry, -9 yards. 17 catches, 303 yards.
- 18 Walker, Robbie: 5-9/180, SO: 10 games played, 2 starts. 10 carries, 44 yards. 6 catches, 76 yards. 5 kr, 14.8 avg.
- 02 Dixon, Ian: 5-7/167, RS SR: 7 games played. 5 catches, 100 yards, 2 TD. 1 kr, 20 yards. 1 tkl.
- 19 Brunis, Herman: 6-0/170, SO: 7 games played. 5 catches, 57 yards.
- 84 Sawyer, Kawmae: 6-0/192, RS SR: 12 games played. 2 catches, 18 yards. 3 tkl.
- 45 Grimard, Oliver: 6-4/190, RS SO: 4 games played. 1 tkl.
- 05 Brown, Jarid: 6-0/186, RS SO: 2 games played.
- 17 Helton, Tim: 6-2/198, RS SO: 2 games played.
- 11 Brown, Cedric: 6-0/190, RS SO: 1 game played. 1 tkl.
- 80 Marhefka, Jerrid: 5-11/183, RS SO: 1 game played.
- 88 Schnell, Spencer: 5-9/175, RS SO: No stats in 2014.
- 29 Wilson, Cameron: 6-1/200, RS JR: No stats in 2014.
- 10 Stites, Randy: 5-10/175, RS JR: No stats in 2014.
- 87 Harrison, Donald Lee: 6-1/179, RS SR: No stats in 2014.
- 89 Lawrence, Matt: 5-10/203, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 09 Meyer, Andrew: 6-0/185, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 09 Belack, Kyle: 5-11/190, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Elijah Ball: 6-1/185: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Matt Seymour: 6-1/167: Incoming Freshman.
Tight End: (8)
- 81 Henry, Davon: 6-3/228, RS JR: 8 games played.
- 82 Mangen, Troy: 6-5/252, JR: 12 games played, 10 starts. 1 carry, 9 yards. 19 catches, 147 yards. 1 tkl.
- 86 Morgan, Mason: 6-6/259, RS SO: 9 games played, 2 starts.
- 18 Yoho, Matt: 6-3.5/209, SO: No stats in 2014.
- 05 Rodriguez, Malik: 6-3/205, RS JR: No stats in 2014.
- 13 Carter, Ryan: 6-6/240, RS JR: No stats in 2014.
- 80 Boland, Brennan: 6-5/255, RS JR: No stats in 2014.
- 83 Brown, Connor: 6-6/245, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
Offensive Line: (20)
- 54 Powell, Lucas: 6-3/296, RS SR: 12 games played, 11 starts. 5 tkl. 3rd team All-MAC.
- 67 Lucas, Mike: 6-4/313, RS SR: 12 games played, 10 starts.
- 75 McQueen, Mike: 6-6/287, RS SR: 11 games played, 10 starts.
- 52 Pruehs, Jake: 6-2/285, SO: 12 games played, 10 starts.
- 79 Watson, Troy: 6-6/293, RS JR : 12 games played, 11 starts.
- 65 Lowery, Joe: 6-6/290, SO: 10 games played, 1 start.
- 74 McCray, Jared: 6-5/320, SO: 8 games played, 1 start.
- 78 Gibbons, Nick: 6-5/303, RS JR: 2 games played, 1 start.
- 64 Alcorn, Garrett: 6-4/271, RS SO: 1 game played.
- 70 Adams, Zach: 6-4/272, RS SO : 1 game played.
- 56 Langenkamp, Stephen: 6-2/285, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014. 7 games played.
- 60 Pauley, Austin: 6-5/320, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014. 1 game played.
- 57 Wood, Durrell: 6-2/306, RS SO: No stats in 2014.
- 69 Murdock, Zack: 6-6/267, RS SO: No stats in 2014.
- 76 Vinegar, Clem: 5-10/311, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 72 Dudziak, Brennan: 6-5/250, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 63 Anderson, Joe: 6-6/320, SO: JUCO Transfer.
- 71 Cooper, Josh: 6-2/309, JR: JUCO Transfer.
- ?? Marques Grimes: 6-5/319, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Austen Pleasants: 6-7/295, FR: Incoming Freshman.
Defensive Line: (18)
- 93 Basham, Tarell: 6-4/250, JR: 12 games played, 7 starts. 33 tkl, 6 tfl, 5 sacks, 2 pbu, 2 pd, 1 ff. 3rd team All-MAC.
- 99 Laseak, Kurt: 6-4/236, RS JR: 12 games played, 3 starts. 23 tkl, 4 tfl, 3 sacks.
- 34 Tautuiaki, Watson: 6-2/304, SR: 12 games played. 22 tkl, 1 tfl.
- 44 Sayles, Casey: 6-3/268, JR: 12 games played, 6 starts. 19 tkl, 2 tfl, 0.5 sacks, 1 fr.
- 95 Purdum, Brandon: 6-3/270, RS SR: 10 games played, 2 starts. 19 tkl, 1 pbu, 1 pd, 1 fr.
- 90 Smart, Trent: 6-3/249, RS SO: 7 games played. 4 tkl.
- 92 Aloese, Cleon: 6-0/297, RS SO: 3 games played. 1 tkl.
- 54 Porter, Tony: 6-1/289, RS SO: 4 games played.
- 69 Crow, Blake: 6-2/247, RS JR: No stats in 2014.
- 55 Stephens, Tony: 6-2/245, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 56 Williams, Jaylin: 6-0/227, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 88 Kuhar, Kyle: 6-5/275, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 97 Berger, Kent: 6-4/249, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 94 Payne, Andrew: 6-1/261, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- ?? Brian Arp: 6-3/256, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Keith Key: 6-3/221, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Sam McKnight: 6-3/267, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Demetrius Colbert: 6-1/250, FR: Incoming Freshman.
Linebacker: (17)
- 32 Poling, Quentin: 6-0/219, RS SO: 12 games played, 11 starts. 89 tkl, 8 tfl, 5 sacks, 3 INT, 3 pub, 6 pd.
- 51 Johnson, Jovon: 6-0/215, RS SR: 12 games played, 11 starts. 67 tkl, 10.5 tfl, 3.5 sacks, 2 INT, 6 pbu, 8 pd, 1 fr, 1 ff. 3rd team All-MAC.
- 33 Brown, Blair: 6-0/230, RS JR: 11 games played, 7 starts. 55 tkl, 4 tfl, 1 sack, 2 pbu, 2 pd, 1 ff.
- 38 Moore, Chad: 6-0/193, RS SO: 12 games played, 3 starts. 33 tkl, 1.5 tfl, 0.5 sacks, 2 pbu, 2 pd.
- 50 Daugherty, Travis: 6-1/202, RS SO: 9 games played. 1 kr, 11 yards. 20 tkl, 1 tfl, 1 pbu, 1 pd.
- 40 Grilliot, Cody: 6-0/214, RS SO: 12 games played. 18 tkl, 2 tfl, 1.5 sacks.
- 03 Alexander, Leon: 6-2/192, RS SO: 9 games played, 1 start. 4 tkl.
- 57 Graves, Taylor: 6-2/200, RS JR: No stats in 2014.
- 49 Donovan, Davon: 6-2/223, RS JR: No stats in 2014.
- 52 Collins, Marcus: 6-0/222, RS SR: No stats in 2014.
- 59 Frueauf, Chalmer: 6-3/235, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 53 Stein, Erik: 6-0/215, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 46 Koons, Jacob: 6-0/218, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 20 DiCillo, Bryan: 6-2/212, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- ?? London Cloud: 5-11/233, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Evan Croutch: 6-0/217, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Clayton Glasco: 6-0/225, FR: Incoming Freshman.
Defensive Back: (26)
- 41 Wells, Ian: 5-11/202, RS SR: 11 games played, 10 starts. 42 tkl, 4 tfl, 1 sack, 12 pbu, 12 pd, 1 fr, 1 ff.
- 37 Bass, Devin: 5-9/190, RS SR: 11 games played, 8 starts. 5 kr, 21.0 avg. 42 tkl, 1 INT, 9 pbu, 10 pd, 1 ff.
- 24 Davis, Toran: 6-0/206, RS JR: 12 games played, 2 starts. 42 tkl, 1.5 tfl, 1 INT, 1 pbu, 2 pd, 1 ff.
- 13 Jones, Devin: 6-1/202, RS SR: 8 games played, 6 starts. 32 tkl, 0.5 tfl, 4 pbu, 4 pd.
- 21 Nelson, Kylan: 5-10/180, SO: 10 games played. 1 kr, 84 yards, TD. 16 tkl, 1 fr.
- 22 Layton, Brett: 5-11/180, SR: 6 games played, 3 starts. 13 tkl, 1.5 tfl, 1 sack, 2 INT, 3 pbu, 5 pd, 1 fr.
- 27 Macer, Aaron: 6-0/192, RS SR: 9 games played. 11 tkl, 1 tfl, 1 pbu, 1 pd.
- 35 Carpenter, Nathan: 5-9/201, RS SR: 3 games played, 1 start. 10 tkl, 1 INT, 1 pbu, 2 pd.
- 21 Terpin, Mike: 5-10/165, RS SR: 11 games played. 3 tkl.
- 14 Cunningham, Grant: 6-0/195, RS SO: 7 games played, 1 start. 1 pr, 4 yards. 2 tkl, 1 blocked kick.
- 42 Scipio, Blake: 5-11/187, RS JR: 5 games played. 2 tkl.
- 02 Brunson, Curtis: 5-10/160, SO: 5 games played. 2 tkl.
- 26 Quallen, Corey: 6-1/209, RS SO: 3 games played. 1 tkl.
- 16 Ellis, Bradd: 5-10/185, RS SO: 2 games played. 1 tkl.
- 43 Sanders, LaShaun: 5-11/179, RS SO: No stats in 2014.
- 12 Holloway, Calvin: 6-0/201, RS JR: No stats in 2014.
- 14 Gunnels, Cameron: 6-0/170, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 11 Myers, Seth: 6-3/230, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 04 Fox, Jalen: 5-11/176, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 06 Brentley, Julian: 5-11/185, RS FR: Redshirted in 2014.
- 17 Howell, Maxwell: 6-1/188, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Jeff Christian: 5-10/165, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Javon Hagan: 6-0/207, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Langston Provitt: 5-11/180, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Deontai Williams: 6-1/185, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Mayne Williams: 5-11/175, FR: Incoming Freshman.
Punter/Kicker: (4)
- 23 Bonnstetter, Mitch: 5-11/187, SR: 12 games played. 63 punts, 41.8 avg., long of 64, 18 inside the 20 yard line, 14 over 50 yards. 1 tkl.
- 39 Yazdani, Josiah: 5-10/216, RS SR: 12 games played. 17-26 FG. 14-16 from inside 40 yards, long of 46, 1 blocked. 27-27 XP. 54 kickoffs, 19 TB. 2 tkl.
- 31 Amicone, Matt: 5-6/166, RS JR: No stats in 2014.
- ?? Louie Zervos: 5-9/152, FR: Incoming Freshman.
Long Snapper: (3)
- 28 Miller, Ceth: 5-11/223, RS JR: No stats in 2014.
- 35 Shaffer, Aaron: 6-1/230, RS SO: No stats in 2014.
- ?? Jake Hale: 6-0/220: Incoming Freshman.
Athlete: (2)
- ?? Adam Luehrman: 6-4/210, FR: Incoming Freshman.
- ?? Ryan Luehrman: 6-4/214, FR: Incoming Freshman.
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