A look at the schools that are overlooked by the ESPNs of the world.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Disappointing to me

Looking at the four letter network's "herbie" awards celebrating the best in college football, I saw no players from the Sun Belt, MAC, WAC, or Conference USA in any of the lists.

It is disappointing that in a list of top RBs, pocket WBs, dual threat QBs, WRs, and coaches that the only players listed came from Boise State. There is some incredible talent at WR in the MAC, some great QBs in Conference USA, a couple of game changing RBs in the Sun Belt and offensive threats all over the field in the WAC. I am not saying that the list should have been littered with non-big 6 players but come on, at the very least there should have been a couple from teams not named Boise or TCU (TCU did have one defensive player mentioned).

It seems that the players that NFL scouts seem to find with regularity are overlooked by college football experts year after year for the simple reason that there is not a Michigan or Alabama or Oklahoma or Ohio State on their jersey.

This is the reason I started this blog and shows that there is a significant need for information to be presented about players that ESPN refuses to talk about except in passing.

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